Saturday, May 22, 2010

This Years Cookie Swap Poem

                                                                          Girls Night Out
Come to my house for cookie fun, there will be cookies by the ton,
Mark your calendar, make a date,
For this years cookie swap, please don't be late,
In case you all haven't heard, this year will be my exciting third,
So here we go once again, to see just who is going to win,
The best cookie or the best display,
Whatever the outcome, you'll have fun either way,
As we sit in our PJ's, playing silly games,
We will form friendships and learn new names,
Though we battle for prizes, and eat everything with delight,
The feeling in the end, is always just right,
The perfect end, to the perfect night,
A room full of friends, what a beautiful sight.

Friday, May 7, 2010

2010 Cookie Swap

Already thinking about my next cookie swap even though it is not till Dec. Lots to prepare for. I love having all the girls over and eating cookies in our jammies, what could be better. I will be sending out reminder invites in July and the official invitation in Nov. Hope you are looking forward to it as much as I am. We will have some new games, lots of prizes and tons to eat. Don't forget your lighted necklace for extra santa money........Stay tuned.....
Check out Robins cookie exchange link it will give you lots of ideas...
